So you've managed to become a teacher? Excellent! You're probably writhing in excitement for your first day of teaching, I know I will be!

There are just a few things to keep in mind as you prepare for the big day:

1. First Impressions- I know we hate to hear it, but first impressions do matter. Students often make the decision of whether or not they like a teacher or think a teacher will do a good job on the very first day of school, whether they do this subconsciously or not. Which means one major thing: be organized. Don't run into the classroom five minutes late, be waiting at the door with a warm smile ready to start the day. Have an exciting day planned out, instead of just winging it. Students can tell, and they expect you to put some effort into them!

2. Organization of the room- Another thing to keep in mind is how you set up and organize your room. You want it to all be on task, instead of randomly scattered about. Have the walls full of bright colors that keep students interested, but not so much that it takes away from their ability to pay attention to you. Also keep in mind how you want their desks organized- do you want them to be set up in groups, or do you want them to all be facing the front? These are all important things to think about. Make sure to look like you put some effort into it!

3. Learn your students- Make sure to put in an effort starting on this first day to learn your students names and some things about them! They'll feel more at home and ready to put more effort into school themselves if they can see you trying to get to know them. Treat them how you want to be treated!

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